Custom Colors For Custom Applications:

Dry film lubricants are often used as a base for applying color coding to parts for identity. This immensely enhances the ability to differentiate between similar parts or to verify existence of a part where otherwise hard to distinguish.

Coloring may also be decorative in some cases. When applied to many parts the film is also assistance in passage through automated equipment or an assembly process.

Our Popular Pantone Color Choices:

Other Custom Color Options Available

Yellow - #117C

Red - #193C

Purple - #275U

Pink - #205C

Orange - #1585C

Medium Green - #3285C

Medium Blue - #285C

Light Green - #3265C

Light Blue - #292C

Gray - #431C

Dark Green - #3298C

Dark Blue - #281C

Black - #3C2X

Brown - #4625C
